British Values
We explicitly teach children about the fundamental British Values and link this to other work we do in school. We help children make powerful connections between the British Values, our school Values, their PSHE knowledge and their day-to-day lives.
This is linked to our Core Values of Teamwork, Participation and Equality. We teach children about the history and complexity of democracy in the UK through our History and PSHE programmes of study. We encourage children to connect their understanding to their participation and engagement in school life, in particular:
- Regular participation in Pupil voice activities on key issues impacting them
- Listening to and acting upon pupils’ feedback on these issues
- Opportunities for children to be active citizens and participate in the life of the school including play leaders, librarians and running our Frog Shop
Rule of Law
This is linked to our Core Values of Responsibility, Safe, Respect and Excellence. We have the highest expectations of pupil conduct and teach them explicitly about how rules we have in school keep everybody safe. In particular:
- Explicit teaching in the citizenship portion of PSHE about the law and rules and why these are positive aspects of life
- All staff modelling and upholding high expectations of pupil conduct
- Teaching cause and effect in line with our Thrive approach
- Encouraging children to take responsibility through the Core Values
Respect is one of our school’s Core Values and we help pupils make the connection between this and the British value of respect as well as other Core Values such as Equality , Excellence and Safe. In particular;
- Weekly Core Values assemblies to link the idea of respect to other aspects of school life
- Teaching pupils to respect other people’s values and views through PSHE and RE lessons
- Building a culture of respect around school through pupils’ meeting our highest expectations of manners, politeness and respectful tone of voice
- Modelling for pupils the level of respect expected of them by all members of staff
This is linked to our Core Values of Respect, Courage and Equality. We teach children to show understanding of those who may be different to themselves by:
- Focusing on equality and diversity in our PSHE curriculum
- Offering additional interventions around the 9 protected characteristics of the Equality Act
- Building pupils’ cultural capital through languages, RE, PSHE and the arts
- Celebrating a range of cultural and religious traditions and teaching these through Assemblies and whole school events
Individual Liberty
This is linked to our Core Values of Responsibility, Participation and Excellence. We work through a Thrive approach to further pupils’ social and emotional development, in particular their knowledge, understanding and application of cause and effect. We teach them about the impact of their actions and the importance of making positive, healthy, safe choices for themselves. In particular:
- Explicitly teaching concepts linked to liberty through PSHE such as consent, freedom, harm and cause and effect
- Use of Thrive interventions to develop this knowledge and understanding further
- Opportunities for pupils’ to make decisions about how best to spend their time in outdoor provision through maximising opportunities