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Sports Premium

The words 'Sports Premium'.

What is the Sports Premium?

The government provides funding to schools to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for their children. Each school with over 17 primary age pupils are allocated £8,000 plus £5 per pupil in Years 1 to 6. Central Primary is sharing the vision of ‘All pupils leaving primary school will be physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport’ (Youth Sports Trust, January, 2015).

What should the money be spent on?

The money is ring fenced and can only be spent on Physical Education and sport provision in school. Schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils, but they are free to choose the best way of using the money.

For example, you can use your funding to:

  • Hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers
  • Provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE and sport
  • Support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs, holiday clubs and Change4Life clubs


  • To engage all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy, active lifestyles
  • To raise the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Further develop knowledge and skills of all PE staff.
  • Offer pupils a broader experience of a range of sports and activities.
  • To increase participation in competitive sport.